"If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water." John 4:10
How often I have talked to someone and thought to myself after the conversation, "If only you knew..." It seems so many people live their lives without considering things of primary importance.
To the teenager who is continually rebelling against his parents...If only you knew how much your parents love you and how much pain you are inflicting upon them.
To the athlete who refuses to train hard...If only you knew how much potential resides within you if you would give it all you have.
To the couple who continually argues over small things...If only you knew how needless most arguments are, and how sweet marriage can be when lived in peace.
To the unbeliever who rejects the gospel...If only you knew what your existence will be like one second after you die.
To the Christian who is discouraged, distracted, and despondent...If only you knew how the Lord was at work in your life even at times you could not see.
Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well and offers her living water. She, obsessed with only the temporal, remains fixated on the water to drink and fails to see the spiritual gift He is offering. Yes, we need water to live. But there is something so much more important than drinking water and more valuable than quenching our thirst. If only we knew how much more critical the eternal is than the temporal.
James tells us that life is but a vapor (James 4:14). No matter how long we live -- eight months, eight years, or eight decades -- it is all a vapor. And if there is one thing we should know, it is this: you do not live your life for a vapor. Instead, we are to live for that which never ends.
If only the Samaritan woman would listen carefully to the offer Jesus extends to her for eternal life. The living water He offers is infinitely more valuable than any liquid she can put into her jug. If only she would grasp His invitation to find hope, meaning, rest, and salvation in Him alone.
However, we dare not only think of the shortcomings of this lady. We must consider our own hearts. Are there places where we, too, have fixated on the vapor instead of living for the eternal? Are there occasions when we have allowed our heart to settle too quickly for the fleeting things of this world and failed to recognize how the Lord would have us respond?
When we are slow to forgive...
If only we would consider the freedom found in forgiving those who have hurt us. Yes, it is hard to let go of anger and resentment, but if we could see how much grace God gives His people, we would be quick to forgive and restore.
When we are slow to obey...
If only we would consider the blessing found in responding in faith to the Word of God, Yes, it may be difficult and costly to embrace the Lord's plan, but what sweetness is found in doing all the Lord has called us to do.
When we are slow to pray...
If only we would consider the strength available to us in prayer. Yes, it is grueling at times to pray through struggles and disappointments, and it can be much more tempting to always assume the worst and to panic instead of pray. Rest in the Lord, Christian, and find your peace through prayer.
When we are prone to worry...
If only we would consider the peace that is found in trusting in the plan of God. Anxiety often strikes our heart with blows of doubt, but what joy is available to those who cast their burdens upon the Lord, knowing that He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).
What might the Lord whisper to you today if He were talking with you about your life? Perhaps He would say to you as well, "If you knew the gift of God..." If you would focus on who He is and what He offers, you will find your heart trusting in His grace and living for what matters most.
"Anchored in Hope" is a book Michael has written that contains forty daily devotionals. Whether you are a new Christian or a seasoned believer, these daily readings will strengthen your faith as they point you to Christ. To order your copy, click here. To request prayer, please click here.