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(Feb 27) Ten Words that Could Change Your Life

"You are God...I am not...I will serve You!"

Believing and living these ten words will change your life. So much of our inner conflict comes from thinking the world should revolve around us. We spend so much time worrying about things of which we have no control (Luke 12:25). We try our hardest to keep things spinning, when in reality, we need to remind ourselves that He is God (Psalm 46:10). We are not. Therefore, we will serve Him.

If God is truly God, then we understand that He will deal with sin and rebellion. If God is indeed God, we can trust that He will have the final word and no sin will escape His judgment (Ephesians 5:13).

"You are God...I am not...I will serve You!"

If God is truly God, that means we are not. This world is not about us; it is about Him. Our lives are not about our name; our lives are about His name (Isaiah 43:7).

"You are God...I am not...I will serve You!"

If God is truly God, that means we are not, and it means we should serve Him. He is the Creator; we are the creatures. He is the Master; we are the servants. He is the Savior; we are the sinners.

Sometimes we tend to make things a bit more complicated than they need to be. Our anger, frustrations, and disappointment often linger because we tend to think that we should be the center of all things. Would we say it that way? No, of course not. Yet, our actions and attitudes often demonstrate that we do indeed many times feel that way. How freeing it is to simply declare in prayer all throughout the day these ten words that can be life-changing.

"You are God...I am not...I will serve You!"

It is ok if you do not understand everything (Isaiah 55:8-9). It is even ok if you do not like everything around you. The Lord upholds all things after the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11). His word will come to pass (Isaiah 55:11). Let the Lord be in charge of holding things together and let us be faithful to obey His word, live according to His will, and follow His ways (Micah 6:8).

Of course there is nothing magical about simply repeating words (Matthew 6:7). However, if we would truly confess these ten simple words as true, and if we would live out the application of these ten words, how different our lives would be.

"You are God...I am not...I will serve You!"


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